Three weeks in to our trip now! We had a 38 mile day, 4000 ft climb today. Today at the 30 mile mark we had a decision to make - the main route over an infamous stretch of trail called Fleecer ridge or a detour of equal length. Fleecer ridge is a 2000 ft decent over 4 miles, with lots of loose rock and super steep terrain. Most people walk it down. We heard many stories from nobos about it. Both girls voted against it, Andrew wanted to do it but in the end I sided with the girls mainly on fear of doing some mechanical damage to our bikes that would be a real challenge to deal with out here. I’ve had enough challenges already!
So a nice fast 10 miles to Divide campground with a nice site on the river. We are now doing battle with a cheeky chipmunk trying to get a snack from us. He won’t get one!